Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQs below. Got a question you can’t find an answer to, get in touch.

Wondering if my experience can help you?

My experience includes supporting a variety of people through various physical and emotional concerns, such as:

  • Anxiety/depression
  • Chronic pain
  • Chronic stress
  • Complicated grief
  • Disenfranchised grief
  • Disadvantaged youth
  • Children of divorce
  • Divorce in adults
  • Trauma
  • Grief and bereavement
  • Pediatric Oncology and Hematology
  • Adults with cancer
  • Active duty
    service members
  • Special forces
  • Military veterans
  • Substance abuse and
  • Family relationships
  • Identity issues
  • Physical health issues
  • Feeling stuck
  • Guilt and shame
  • Significant life events and transitions
  • Pelvic pain
  • Migraines
  • First responders
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Mood conditions

After working with me, clients report the following improvements:

Feng Shui
  • Feeling at peace
  • Improved mood
  • Increased satisfaction with life
  • Increased quality of life
  • Decreased shame and guilt
  • Improved relationships with self and others
  • Increased ability to enjoy life
  • Decreased or resolved pain
  • Increased mind-body connection
  • Increased management or resolution of symptoms and conditions
  • Being responsive to life, no longer reactive
  • Improved financial status
  • Improved clarity, confidence, self-esteem, sense of self
  • Being anchored and grounded
  • Empowered in maintaining their health and well-being
  • Healed acne and inflammation
  • Healthy weight loss
  • Ability to process that which was previously suppressed
  • Decrease of sense of isolation and increased sense of connectedness
  • Greater relaxation, happiness, joy, contentment, balance, harmony

Taking on new clients in Summer 2025. Join the waiting list by signing up to my newsletter. Have a question? Get in touch.

Session Information

Are sessions virtual or in person?
I am based in the Chicagoland area and online. People are welcome to see me in my office for in-person sessions if my location is convenient to them (near Naperville, IL) and online if I am not local to them. If we meet online we meet through Zoom; I send you a link prior to each session.
What is the benefit of seeing you in person?
If you come to my office and see me in person you can have a mini-getaway, a personal escape if you will. I have supplies and space for in-person art making that occurs during art therapy sessions, and I can create the whole vibe of an environment for in-person reiki sessions.
But are sessions as powerful virtually?
The modalities I offer can all be translated into a virtual format. I think being virtual just proves how powerful they are because they are all just as effective and powerful virtually as they are in person.
What is the benefit of seeing you virtually?
You can be located wherever. We can work together remotely and be physically far away. Even if you live nearby you can save time on your commute and fit sessions more easily into your life. For reiki and iRest yoga nidra sessions you can be relaxed in your own space, on your own bed, or couch, or floor, whatever feels best to you in your personal space. For yoga and art therapy you can just use your own table or floor and sign on.
Will you do special events in person?
Yes! I love travel and going places to provide services for individuals or groups. If you have an organization that wants to provide wellness offerings I am happy to provide these services online or in person and have experience doing both.
So you can do healing sessions online, can you do feng shui consultations online too?
Yes! Feng shui consultations can be done in person if you are local or online if you are near or far. We do a virtual tour of your space so I can still visually and energetically tune into the energy of the space. I can do energy space clearings of your home or business online or in person too.
Are sessions one on one or group format?
Mostly I work with individuals one-on-one. Most of the offerings for purchase on my website are for one-on-one holistic healing work; however, I work with many organizations to create special series of classes or therapeutic groups according to specific needs of their population. These are typically group format offerings, and are not seen on my website as they are all unique offerings. Contact me to discuss the possibilities for your particular group.
What are some examples of groups you’ve worked with?
Since starting Flourish Momentum I have provided unique sessions or series of sessions to a variety of groups. These include: weekly art therapy to groups of students identified as needing extra support in the local public school system; a several hour art therapy workshop at a retreat for female veterans; several series of Zentangle classes for a Veterans Affairs hospital; Zentangle classes to support nurses against burnout at a local hospital; art therapy and iRest yoga nidra sessions at several retreats for caregivers of wounded warriors.
What is the time commitment?
Up to you! Some people do a one-off sessions when they feel they need the support while others come with longer term goals/ bigger shifts they want to work toward. Clients generally work with me on a weekly or biweekly basis to work on healing and shifting something in particular. Feng shui can be fast if you want to implement everything immediately, or meetings can be more spaced out depending on the pace you want to work through your feng shui. It is completely individualized.
What technology do I need if we do this virtually?
If we meet virtually you will need a computer, phone, iPad, or other device that will allow you to connect to the internet or cell data in order to connect through Zoom. You do not to be a paying member of Zoom yourself; I will send you the link you need to enter each session.
Can my kids be in the room?
It is recommended you find private space for the sessions so you can be open and drop into relaxation states.

Who Is This For?

What ages is this for?
I can work with all ages. Most of my clients are adults currently. If you have questions about how the work would be for someone in particular please contact me to discuss.
What are some examples of groups you’ve worked with?
Since starting Flourish Momentum I have provided unique sessions or series of sessions to a variety of groups. These include: weekly art therapy to groups of students identified as needing extra support in the local public school system; a several hour art therapy workshop at a retreat for female veterans; several series of Zentangle classes for a Veterans Affairs hospital; Zentangle classes to support nurses against burnout at a local hospital; art therapy and iRest yoga nidra sessions at several retreats for caregivers of wounded warriors.
What if I have no experience with yoga and meditation?
It’s okay! There’s no need to have any prior experience with any of these offerings.
What if I don’t consider myself an artist?
There’s no need to consider yourself an artist or to even have previous experience with art-making.
I travel a lot. Does that matter?
It’s okay! We can meet virtually so you can be located anywhere and you can be on the road as well. We can schedule sessions at different times depending on your changing circumstance. We can also schedule appointments with a week or more in between if you only want sessions when you’re at home. We can be very flexible.
Do you help people with special needs too?
Yes. If you have questions about how the work would be for someone in particular please contact me to discuss.
I have an animal, can you work with them?
I do not work with animals at this time.


What does holistic mean?
I don’t just the see the presenting issue as isolated. I look at it as within the context of your whole being. I see you as a unique individual of interconnected mind, body, soul, space, and work with each of these when addressing the issue you are seeking help to address.
What does integrative mean?
Integrative refers to treatment approaches that may be considered alternative or mainstream offered within a framework that focuses on health, the therapeutic relationship, and the whole person.

I consider myself as a practitioner of multiple modalities that may target different aspects of you and your life but work together to address you holistically and allow you to integrate growth throughout your system rather than treating something in an isolated way, leaving you to symptom chase. The modalities I offer vary, they integrate different aspects of you, and work together to facilitate your movement toward your most whole self.

What does it mean that your sessions are integrative and experiential?
This means that instead of talking for the entire session and relying on verbal communication to create the shifts you seek, we will begin each session with a verbal check in so I can meet you exactly where you are in that moment, then I guide you through an experiential that is therapeutic so you can immerse yourself in a therapeutic experience where deep healing and transformation can occur, then we process verbally at the end so you can integrate the experience before the session ends. This is why sessions are 1.5 hours in length, to allow time for this process.
What do you mean by experiential?
Spending time in a therapeutic activity or experience so you can actually unlock blocks, release what needs to be released, feel into higher states of consciousness so you can access them more easily in your daily life, etc. This could look like actively creating art in an art therapy session, increasing mindfulness and mind body connection through yoga or yoga nidra, releasing negative or stagnant energy through receiving reiki, releasing what you can’t consciously let go of through energy medicine yoga. And so much more…
Why does the experiential part matter?
Take trauma for example. It is not stored in the verbal part of your brain. So you can talk about something over and over and not actually feel any shifts occur. You need to access the information in a way that feels like a back-door approach but is actually the more direct route to the non-verbal areas of the brain where that information has been stored. Through art therapy things come up from the subconscious you cannot access through words. Through reiki you release energy blocks you can’t talk yourself into releasing. You can intellectually know you need to be more mindful all day, but you can’t access that if you haven’t felt it or embodied it yet. You have to have the felt experience through yoga to know what a quiet mind is in order to be able to access it again, for instance. These approaches allow us to meet the blocks where they’re stored so they can be met and released and so you can gain experience actually feeling the ways you want to feel more often.
What accreditations do you have?
  • BA Bachelor of Art in Studio Art – UMD – 2006
  • MED Master of Education in Art Education – UMD 2008
  • MED Master of Arts in Art Therapy – GWU 2013
  • ATR-BC – Board Certified Art Therapist – 2017
  • 200 hr Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training – 2018
  • 200RYT – Registered Yoga Teacher 2018
  • Certified Zentangle Teacher – 2019
  • Veterans Yoga Project Resiliency Training Certification – 2019
  • Certified iRest Yoga Nidra Teacher – 2020
  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Certification – 2020
  • Plant Based Nutrition Certificate – 2020
  • Usui Reiki Level 1, Level 2, and Master – 2019, 2020, 2021
  • ThetaHealing Level 1 and Advanced Certification – 2021
  • Feng Shui Master Consultant Certification – 2021
  • Certified Energy Medicine Yoga Teacher – 2021
  • Advanced Singing Bowl Therapy Training – 2022
  • Karuna Reiki Level 1 – 2023
  • 300 hr Holistic Yoga and Ayurveda Teacher Training — 2023
  • 500RYT – Registered Yoga Teacher – 2023
  • 200 hr Meditation Teacher – 2024

Not accrued in pursuit of stacking credentials, but because these played transformative roles in my life and I wanted to be able to share them with you with integrity.

How fast will I see results?
People see results each and every session. The answer you are looking for here is really dependent on you. Some goals are lifestyle changes that can be achieved with suggestions offered in one session. Other goals require resolving trauma or making large paradigm shifts.

You will make progress toward your goals each session for sure. The amount of time someone needs to adequately work through something will depend on individual circumstances. People leave every session having experienced relaxation or deep processing and always leave with new insight and a new level of self-awareness with which they can make immediate changes.

Is this therapy or coaching?
I am a board-certified art therapist, an integrative nutrition health coach, and a practitioner of multiple modalities, including Yoga, meditation, energy healing, Feng Shui, and more.

I do not diagnose but I do have a clinical professional background so I can approach clients with a psychotherapeutic lens. My offerings are more aligned with a coaching delivery, however, meaning we start with a holistic overview of one’s life and determine goals. In traditional coaching the coach hand holds the client to keep them accountable and guide them in manageable steps and increments toward their overarching goals. Instead of telling you what to go do to meet your goals, I can guide you through the experientials needed to process through whatever keeps you from moving forward and also to support you as you move forward into your next evolvement toward your goals.

Once you reach your goals you have the inner and outer supports in place to maintain your transformation. So, this work is unique and hybrid. I have the clinical background to understand what is underlying your concerns but I do not diagnose you and I don’t follow a pathologizing model. I create more of a coaching container that keeps you present, accountable, working toward your goals in a health-oriented model. Sessions are not simply verbal check-ins though, we do experiential work to allow you to greet the subconscious, heal, process, move through, shift, transform, enter and maintain your 2.0.

Will I be an artist after this?
In art therapy sessions we generally prioritize process over product, there is no need to have any artistic experience before doing art therapy or to consider yourself an artist.

Many people I’ve worked with go on to continue to use art as therapy, or create art as a personally therapeutic practice. Some have gone on to create artwork that they’ve exhibited, and some have even gone on to work as professional artists now after working together. There is no expectation here though.

What if I don’t consider myself an artist?
There’s no need to consider yourself an artist or to even have previous experience with art-making.
Can I still see a talk therapist while I work with you?
Yes, of course! You can continue seeing your team of providers. You will find that this work supports you in a different way.

Other Details

Do I need any supplies for our sessions?
If you see me in person I have all the needed supplies for our sessions. If you see me online I will let you know what supplies you will need for our sessions (depends on the modalities we use). If you do my Elevate package I provide you with your own complete set of supplies!
Do you accept insurance?
No, I do not. While that may sound unfortunate, let me explain why it is actually beneficial–I can help you, no matter where you are located, with all of these modalities without assigning you any disorder. It’s that simple. When working with insurance, as a provider, I have to assign you a diagnosis and only use conventional modalities for this. When I work outside of insurance we can utilize all of these great integrative methods to address you as a whole person and promote your healing and growth. This allows me to work with people from anywhere, in a health-oriented, empowering, non-pathologizing way, where I can facilitate the variety of modalities that will yield the greatest results for each session, in sessions long enough for deep shifts to occur. This allows you to not get stuck in a sick role, to heal and grow in a highly personalized way, and to be held more accountable to yourself once you make the commitment to work together.
What is the time commitment?
Up to you! Some people do a one-off sessions when they feel they need the support while others come with longer term goals/ bigger shifts they want to work toward. Clients generally work with me on a weekly or biweekly basis to work on healing and shifting something in particular. Feng shui can be fast if you want to implement everything immediately, or meetings can be more spaced out depending on the pace you want to work through your feng shui. It is completely individualized.
What is the cancellation policy?
If your session is a one-off session, please reach out to me directly at jackie[AT] for appointment rescheduling. Any cancellations within 24 hours of the appointment cannot be refunded. If you have a package of sessions, contact me before 24 hours to cancel and reschedule the appointment. A no-show or day of cancellation will count as a session, meaning one will be reduced from your package.
Do I have to do everything you offer?
No! Not at all. In our initial call you can specify exactly what service you want to receive and we can stick to that. Or you can come to me with your concerns/goals and we can talk through options together. Some people just want weekly art therapy. Others just want reiki. Others just want yoga nidra. Usually we mix and match modalities though based on what comes up:)
Are there referral rewards?
If you refer my services to someone and they book any service or package of services you may receive 15% off any session or 10% off any package of your choice.

Whether You’re Seeking One-on-One Support or Collaborative Opportunities